Baseball - Which Division Should I Choose?

Which Division Should I Choose?

When registering for the baseball season, players and families will be offered levels of play based on the player's league age. With an overlap in league ages, this information is intended to help decide which level is best when presented with options.

First, Determine Player's League Age
Refer to the page for the season you are interested in.

Sky Valley Little League Divisions
Baseball Division Eligible Ages Player Evaluations Draft
Tee Ball 4, 5, 6 No No
Rookies 6, 7, 8 No No
Farm 8, 9 Yes Yes
Minors 9, 10, 11 Yes Yes
Majors 11, 12 Yes Yes
Intermediate 11, 12, 13 Yes Yes
Juniors 13, 14 Yes Yes
Seniors 15, 16 Yes Yes
SVLL Considers Three Primary Factors When Determining Appropriate Level of Play
  • The player is at a level at which he or she is optimally safe
  • The player is at a level where he or she will have fun
  • The player is at a level where his or her skills will be advanced


Player Evaluations & Drafts
Player evaluations begin for players entering the Farm level (8-9 year olds) of play and are generally held back-to-back Saturdays in early February. Coaches and league appointed people will be on hand to evaluate players during this time in preparation for each level's upcoming player draft. If your child does not participate in the player evaluation, he/she will be placed in the draft pool of the lowest division in which he/she is age eligible.

Division Descriptions

 Baseball Division Descriptions

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